A Small Homestead

Welcome to my blog about our adventures on and away from our modest family homestead. We are a young family trying to raise as much of our own food as possible and still enjoy life while holding down full time jobs and work two small home based businesses. Life can get hectic and challenging but at the end of the day we have most importantly each other, good food on our table and a roof over our heads.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Things that make you go "hmmmm".....

So, today an event in the life of our family has made me think about how I am dividing my time.

My initial reaction was "I'm not spending enough time with my family, I'm working too much, worrying too much about cooking, baking and cleaning the house and not worrying enough about family time".....

As I prepared a Cherry Pie for the oven with my Son by my side helping me, I had to rethink that thought.......Does he not also need to see us working?  Does he not also need to see us keeping our house clean, cooking meals and baking goodies?  Those tasks can also count as "time spent together".  Not all family time can be spent relaxing on the beach......  As I am typing this he is gathering his toys and putting them in his toy box.  As I am typing this the Cherry Pie is baking in the oven.....

We worry worry worry.  We worry about bills, we worry about working too much trying to pay those bills, we worry about feeding our family well, we worry if the things that we are doing to feed our family well is taking up too much time, we worry about spending enough quality time together, we worry about getting the big clean up garbage out to the road or it will be in our garage for another 6 months (haha), we worry worry worry.

I think the biggest problem is the worrying.  There's so much pressure on us all to be perfect parents, perfect employees, perfect spouses, perfect perfect perfect....  We're human beings, life is short, we should be enjoying the moment no matter if it's walking to get the mail or gathering up big garbage day stuff.  We need to relax more in the sense of not being so tense all the time.  Let some of the pressure go.  This is what I have to work on.  Stop, take a deep breath and move on.......  I get so overwhelmed by my "to do" list that I feel like going back to bed and doing nothing at all.  Eventually that "to do" list gets a little smaller but then grows long again.  I guess, that's just life.  The "to do" list won't end as long as there's a home and family to care for.  The grass keeps growing until the snow needs shoveling, it's a vicious cycle.

Thanks for letting me express my thoughts today.

'til next time!


  1. Yes, and YES! You are doing a marvelous job. Renoman commented just last night how bright eyed, busy and content your little guy is. That didn't come from neglect or happen on its own. It took healthy mirroring since birth. You are a special family.

    1. Thank you Sue and Renoman. You see him almost every day so you are a great judge of his character. We were eating supper on the deck when Renoman was gathering branches, he was determined he was going to help him, I managed to convince him to finish eating his supper. He certainly loves to help others. :)
