A Small Homestead

Welcome to my blog about our adventures on and away from our modest family homestead. We are a young family trying to raise as much of our own food as possible and still enjoy life while holding down full time jobs and work two small home based businesses. Life can get hectic and challenging but at the end of the day we have most importantly each other, good food on our table and a roof over our heads.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

A full freezer.....

35 meat chickens went to the butcher Wednesday, that's it, they are all done!  YAY!

Days before they went to butcher they ate pumpkin, squash, swiss chard, spinach and kale.

This time I had 26 chickens cut into pieces.  Legs, thighs, breasts and wings.  And 9 were left as roasters.  I added prepared marinades to some so they are seasoned and ready to cook which will come in very handy on those work nights when time is very limited.  Hubby will also have no excuse when it comes to cooking the already seasoned chicken.  Just throw it in the oven.

It took us 2.5 hours to bag the chicken pieces.  And, since we had a long drive to the valley to pick it up after hubby got home from work, that meant we were bagging chicken at 12:30 AM, yes, that's right, midnight.  I was so happy when the last bag went into the freezer, I was very much ready for sleep.

Our freezer is now full to the brim with chicken.  Luckily we have two freezers since, when we arrived home with our processed chicken Friday night, there was a message from our local farmer friend that the side of pork we ordered is at our butcher ready to be cut and packaged.  That is our project this afternoon.  Go to the butcher, instruct how we want it cut, watch him cut and package it and bring it home for the freezer.  In my opinion, there's nothing like watching your food get handled so you know what conditions it was processed in.  We have made arrangements with someone to have it "home smoked" the old fashioned way.  YUM.  I just wish home smoked bacon season was the same time as home grown tomato season.  Last year I saved one package of home smoked bacon to make BLT sandwiches.  YUM YUM YUM!  My mouth is watering just thinking about it.  So, I will be doing the same this year, saving a package for next summer when my tomatoes are ripe.

Other than that....we have been working on cleaning up the garden, preparing more firewood and caring for our layer hens.

Speaking of which, it's time to get off the computer and head outside to enjoy this beautiful day, working on our firewood.

'till next time......

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