A Small Homestead

Welcome to my blog about our adventures on and away from our modest family homestead. We are a young family trying to raise as much of our own food as possible and still enjoy life while holding down full time jobs and work two small home based businesses. Life can get hectic and challenging but at the end of the day we have most importantly each other, good food on our table and a roof over our heads.

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Though the weather outside is frightful.......

............the warmth inside is soooo delightful!

Happy New Year Everyone!  We enjoyed a New Years Eve Celebration with Family, lots of delicious food and a bit of wine.  We continued our celebration today with some take out Chinese Food and a bit of wine.  As I had mentioned we are cutting back on our take out so when we have it now it tastes much better and we look forward to it as it is a treat.  The restaurant was very very busy so that meant the food was fresh.  We considered going to a Buffet today but, realizing that we don't eat as much as we used to, the high price tag of the buffet meal just isn't worth it, not to mention the tighter clothes for the weeks to follow!

We spent the first day of 2014 working on some fishing lures, doing some repairs around the house and relocating some roosters to make our hens and our "main man" happier in the layer coop.  I may have mentioned before we have 4 rogue Hens, they refused to go into the coop all fall.  Once the colder temperatures fell upon us we caught them and put them in with the Turkeys who also refused to go inside over night.  They all preferred the fir trees outside the coop.  With the snow on the ground they are less enthused about getting outside.  It took them awhile to get used to not having the freedom but they seem okay now.  They are safe and warm inside.  We had the rogue Hens in with the Turkeys until today.  Our "main man" of the coop was unhappy with all the other males trying to take over his domain so it was time to move the extra boys out of that coop so everyone can relax.  The extra boys are now in with the Turkeys who really could care less they are there which is the way we like it.  Less stressful for everyone.  And the rogue Hens are in the Layer coop where they belong, hopefully they will start to lay eggs now!  We also installed the heat lamps as the days and nights are getting very cold.  We have two heat lamps in the Turkey coop and one in the Layer Coop.  Tomorrow I am off to town to invest in one more heat lamp for the Layer Coop.  I can tell you the power company is going to love us but we really have no choice.  The constant frozen water and chilled combs needs to be dealt with, they need warmth.

We have been working feverishly on Shad Darts and Smelt Jigs trying to get everything finished before camping season arrives!  Yes, camping is still on the surface of my mind.  I purchased my husband a Gold Panning Kit for Christmas.  A local campground was once a gold mine where you can still pan for gold.  We got a lot of stuff under our tree this year pertaining to the upcoming camping season.  I am still looking forward to camping in the warm summer even though I am making the most of winter.

I hope you enjoyed my post.  I haven't been writing a lot, life has been happening so quickly if I think of something to write about I'm onto another task and that something gets forgotten.  My blog has been mainly about our farm and a bit about organizing family life both have been quite mellow and uneventful thank goodness, maybe this summer it will be a lot about camping.  Now, speaking of organizing my little family, I am off to finish my January 2014 Meal Calendar!

Wishing you Peace, Love and Happiness in 2014!


  1. I always enjoy hearing about life on your side of the fence. There seems to be something interesting happening all the time. I love hearing about your chickens and hope to be adding a permanent flock of layers to my little acre someday soon...and a small herd of meat rabbits. ;-) Wishing you a Happy New Year!

  2. Sue, I really really think Andrew would enjoy some Free Range Turkeys ;)
