A Small Homestead

Welcome to my blog about our adventures on and away from our modest family homestead. We are a young family trying to raise as much of our own food as possible and still enjoy life while holding down full time jobs and work two small home based businesses. Life can get hectic and challenging but at the end of the day we have most importantly each other, good food on our table and a roof over our heads.

Friday, August 17, 2012

When, what to my wondering eyes should appear.....

but beautiful green peppers and red tomatoes here and there......

Today my side kick and I, a.k.a my son, pruned branches from my forest of tomato plants. They were so grown together there was no longer a walk way between.  Some had fallen over on top of each other and on top of my other plants.  Some were starting to over hang my newly planted lettuce, spinach and kale.  So, it was time to cut them back!  And cut them back we did.....

This is my son's wheel barrow full of about quarter the amount of plant we removed......

Here is an after photo, lots of green tomatoes!......

As you can see, the 6' tomato plants are still towering over the garden but are trimmed back to allow sunlight and moisture to reach the plants around them...

And as we trimmed away branch, after branch, after branch we discovered ripe tomatoes beneath!.....

And Green Peppers ready to  pick!.....

These tomatoes became victims of the pruning, they will become Fried Green Tomatoes for my supper tonight.  (every time I say, or think, of Fried Green Tomatoes the movie with that title comes to mind) I have never made or eaten fried green tomatoes before but I can't let these beauties go to waste!....

And with the removal of the tomato over-growth I discovered a cute little Butternut Squash hanging upside down between the marigold plants.....

These Acorn Squash are lucky to be in the grassed area outside the garden, a nice comfy place to grow......

All the blossoms are quickly turning into nice sized cucumbers with all the rain we have had recently. Though I think the transplants I purchased were marked incorrectly as some appear to be pickling cucumbers.  And since I didn't pick them as small pickling cucumbers they look like they are on steroids.  I really do not like cucumber seeds.  I will pick every single one out of a slice of cucumber before I eat it!  So, those over sized pickling cucumbers will be fed to our meat chickens......

I couldn't resist taking a picture of the pretty berries.....MMMMM Ripe Blueberries!......

And here is my newly sprouted Kale.  I have never eaten Kale before, this will be my first experience.  Looks like the rains brought quite a few rocks to the surface as well.......

So, that's the update on the garden side of things.  The layers, meat chicks and meat chickens are all doing great.  Sounds like the meat chickens will be heading to the butcher next Saturday.  Finally!  And then the meat chicks will move into their home sometime within the next few weeks.

Even with a little farm there is always planning.  Who will live where, when to change to a certain food, what will be planted where.......Ones mind never seems to get much rest!

'til next time!

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