As the sun gets stronger, the days get longer and the snow melts away my mind is whirling with plans for our little farm.
How many layer hens should we add to our flock this year.... How many meat birds do we want to raise for the freezer this winter.....What other additions do we want to add to our farm this year....
One addition we are considering is raising our own pork. We are considering raising Berkshire pigs. This is a heritage breed. They are black and white in color, looking more like a wild boar than the pink pigs raised by commercial producers. We have been considering this addition for a few years. We now have some barn space to house the little pigs until they get big enough to be kept outside. Our goal is to feed them mainly garden scraps but we are well aware they cannot live off only vegetables, they need protein to grow muscle mass.
One addition is already under way.....we have 11 green shelled eggs under our cranky broody hen. That should make her happy..... They are Ameracauna (hen) mixed with Silver Pencilled Plymouthrock (rooster). Should be an interesting mix. Mixed breeds are so much fun, such an array of color and size.
We have purchased materials to make the hens some new nesting boxes. I will post pictures when we get them complete. They are made using plastic dish pans from the dollar store. A very neat design which makes them super easy to clean.
I often wonder if we are just plain crazy for taking on all that we do ~ several home based businesses, jobs outside of the home and our little Farm as well as making sure we don't neglect our most important creation, Our Family. I believe the home based businesses display work ethic as he enjoys helping us with sorting and creating product, the Farming part of our lives shows him to care for animals, the circle of life and growing our own vegetables..... Yes, we are busy, yes sometimes I wonder if we are crazy, the answer is probably YES we are crazy, but I also believe being a little bit crazy helps us get through life. ha ha.
When it's all said and done I believe our hard work is all worth it. As long as it adds to our family life and doesn't take away from it. Now that our son is old enough to help on the farm it makes it a better experience for him and us. When you have a little one to work your schedule around everything is more complicated. When you have a "big boy" as he calls himself, you have a helping hand to get the chores done. And he enjoys doing the chores with us, he takes pride in it. One thing I have never heard our Son say is "I'm bored". Life at our house is never boring, there's always something going on.
To some we appear crazy while others envy us for having the guts and the property space to raise so much of our own food. So, I guess whether we appear crazy or not is all in the eye of the beholder. :)
That's an update on our little farm as it stands today. I have a feeling I will be making many new posts in the days to come as our ideas and plans become reality.
'til next time!
These are my stories of our small family farm as we are learning to grow as much of our own food as possible. It's also about our family adventures off the farm. We enjoy camping and make wonderful memories during our camping adventures. And I will, now and then, write about my personal journey with common things most of us struggle weight loss or weight gain....
A Small Homestead
Welcome to my blog about our adventures on and away from our modest family homestead. We are a young family trying to raise as much of our own food as possible and still enjoy life while holding down full time jobs and work two small home based businesses. Life can get hectic and challenging but at the end of the day we have most importantly each other, good food on our table and a roof over our heads.
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