A Small Homestead

Welcome to my blog about our adventures on and away from our modest family homestead. We are a young family trying to raise as much of our own food as possible and still enjoy life while holding down full time jobs and work two small home based businesses. Life can get hectic and challenging but at the end of the day we have most importantly each other, good food on our table and a roof over our heads.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Beet Pickling Day!!

Beets just pulled from the garden soil....The chickens will enjoy the greens!

Washing the soil from the roots......

Beets are topped and ready to cook......

All bottled and waiting to be served.....

I tried yellow beets this year for the first time.  They look like canned peaches :)

I have planted a fall crop of Kale and Green Leaf Lettuce in the vacant areas that the beets occupied.  I have never eaten Kale so I will be waiting impatiently for it to mature so I can taste it!

I have tiny cucumbers starting so it looks like the next project will be a batch of bread and butter pickles in a few weeks time.  The plants are still quite small, set back from the bugs attacking them from the time they were tiny little transplants....

The blueberries are ripening but the birds are eating them before we get a chance. We have to purchase some bird netting before we lose our whole crop.  It's quite frustrating to be waiting on a nice ripe berry and poof, it's gone!

Well, it's a rainy, lazy day in here NS and I'm going to enjoy it!

'til next time!


  1. You can eat the beet greens. Google it. Chickens need greens. Just give them something that is not edible for you and your family. I love your blog. Today, is my first visit.

    1. Yes, I do eat beet greens but there were way too many for me to eat since my husband and son are not a fan of them. I am also the only one that eats the pickled beets. A lot of the greens were also bitten by bugs (ants I suspect). So, they went to good use feeding our hens. Saved on feed and makes them healthier as well.

      Glad you're enjoying my blog :)
