I also purchased two binders, one will house the months recipes in order of which they are going to be used. It is bright orange so a "certain someone" can't say they don't see it. The other one is bright green and will be used for my notes and holding recipes not being used this month. Or that's the plan for now.
So far there's only one recipe in the binder, tomorrow's recipe :)
Things are slowly coming together.....I will conquer this challenge! I am already feeling good about it, much better than I felt last week when it seemed like things would never come together. What's nice about it is, even though I posted a list on the fridge to write down our "favourite meals", I have started going through my cookbooks again. I'm rediscovering recipes I used to love cooking. The one I'm cooking tomorrow is one of them. Asian Marinated Pork Tenderloin. YUM! I am so looking forward to tomorrow nights supper!
Making a meal plan will also help me decide what to do with our "cuts of meat" this year. Last year we used most of the roasts for home smoked ham, even though I don't really care for ham...... Today I had to purchase a boneless loin roast. Doesn't make sense to have 6 hams in the freezer and no roasts. We had roasts but they are all gone, we eat way more roasts than ham. Last year I mentioned this, it fell on deaf ears, this year I'm insisting NO hams, or maybe one, and the rest are roasts. Sorry, a bit off track.......
Since I'm already off track, here's a picture of some berries I picked from our little strawberry patch, they are delicious!....
Okay, Back On Track!!!......
Just curious, has my meal planning journey encouraged anyone else to start a meal plan? Or if you have already been planning your meals, what's your strategy?
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